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Hologram Hammer Coral

Hologram Hammer Coral

1. Hammer Coral:

  • Species: The "hammer coral" is a well-known species in the coral reef ecosystem, scientifically known as Euphyllia ancora. This coral is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region and is a popular choice for reef aquariums due to its attractive appearance.
  • Appearance: Hammer coral is named after its hammer-like shaped polyps. These polyps have a unique structure where the ends of the tentacles resemble hammers or "heads," creating a distinctive visual.
  • Coloration: It comes in various colors, including green, purple, and yellow, and can be quite vibrant. Some varieties may even have a holographic or iridescent sheen under certain lighting conditions.
  • Care: Hammer corals are relatively hardy but require proper lighting, water flow, and care in aquarium settings to thrive. They also have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae, which helps with energy production.
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